Getting a job in Tech companies is HARDER than ever before -- <1% of candidates receive offers.
We help candidates just like you maximize your chances of landing your dream job in Tech.
Courses are co-developed via 35+ hours of deep-dives with in-house recruiters from top Tech companies, reviewing 1,000+ applications to top Tech companies, and interviewing hundreds of candidates.
1. Perfecting Your Resume Course
95%+ of Tech applicants are rejected at the resume stage. Learn hundreds of exclusive insights to ensure you make it past the resume screening. More details here.
2. Crushing Your Interview Course (for business roles)
8-steps, 10+ hours of content, and 25+ frameworks & templates; covers Product Management, Strategy & Operations, Product Marketing, Sales, Partnerships, and other Business roles. More details here.
3. Crushing Your Technical / Coding Interviews
100+ practice coding problems with step-by-step breakdown and explanation. Covers 90-100% of any typical software engineering interview.