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Getting a job in Tech companies is HARDER than ever before -- <1% of candidates receive offers.

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We help candidates just like you maximize your chances of landing your dream job in Tech.


Courses are co-developed via 35+ hours of deep-dives with in-house recruiters from top Tech companies, reviewing 1,000+ applications to top Tech companies, and interviewing hundreds of candidates.

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1. Perfecting Your Resume Course

95%+ of Tech applicants are rejected at the resume stage. Learn hundreds of exclusive insights to ensure you make it past the resume screening. More details here.

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2. Crushing Your  Interview Course (for business roles)

8-steps, 10+ hours of content, and 25+ frameworks & templates; covers Product Management, Strategy & Operations, Product Marketing, Sales, Partnerships, and other Business roles. More details here.


3. Crushing Your  Technical / Coding Interviews

100+ practice coding problems with step-by-step breakdown and explanation. Covers 90-100% of any typical software engineering interview.

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